


Enchantment uses a rich palette and dynamic textures to create a luxurious atmosphere.

Infused with deep violets and rich blues, this collection of floral imagery infuses a sense of playful, creative energy into each room it inhabits. Through the dreamy blend of warm and cool tones, Enchantment creates an inspirational  environment.

The Enchantment series features a lively combination of textures and patterns from nature.  The delicate stripes of the snake plant perfectly complement the bold spots of the leopard orchid, allowing the individual characters of each plant to play a key element in this collection.

West’s signature use of color is done in camera though colored lighting, rather than post production. The artist uses colored light to blur the lines between documentation and fantasy, creating a world that is familiar but entirely her own.

Click here to download a pdf of the catalog.


Print Sizes


12” x 18” Image + 1” WB 14” x 20” (Paper Size)

Edition of 8*


20” x 30” Image + 1” WB 22” x 32” (Paper Size)

Edition of 6*


30” x 45” Image + 1” WB 32” x 47” (Paper Size)

Edition of 5*

Extra Large

40” x 60” Image + 1” WB 42” x 62” (Paper Size) 

Edition of 3*

Custom Sizes

Edition of 3*

*Total editions will not exceed 25 artworks (not including AP prints).

Pricing available upon request. Please contact us for more information.